Security Too Far For Feline Friends

Everyone takes precautions for their own personal safety but Mrs. Harrison 60, widow of famed Beatles member George Harrison, may have taken her homes safety a step too far at the peril of neighbouring wildlife. After a schizophrenic broke into her home in 1999 Mrs. Harrison took precautions by erecting a 6ft wall around her mansion, but the problem for the animals around is not the wall itself, but the razor wire that rests atop.

Mr. Bewes, a local neighbour, has had to take care of his cat who has returned home scarred and scathed by the razor wire so much it has cost him thousands in vet bills. The cats life was even in peril on one notable occasion where the razor wire had caused a severed artery, taking at least one of the pets 9 lives. Mr. Bewes pet is not the only cat to return home from exploring its local area to be bearing wounds from meeting this razor wire security aimed at deterring unwanted humans. The surrounding neighbours have appealed to have the razor wire taken care of but as of yet Mrs. Harrison has not responded or taken any action.

Source: Daily Mail – Vanessa Allen – September 2009

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