A cat story that predicts the targeting of cats with a new virus.

 My novel 'The Tenth Life' is on the move! It was in 1995 when the first horrors of mad cow disease were happening and animals were being slaughtered and put into mass graves. I woke up one night smelling burning carcass in the air and a glow on the horizon. It wasn't a nightmare but one of our cats Chevy Chase( he was abandoned on the Chase) jumped on the bed. What would happen I thought if cats had some viral infection they are so close to us we might all die? I collected cuttings and scientific items from that day and have a filing cabinet full of them all detailing the horrors of strange and mysterious viruses that might threaten us all. I eventually started to write the story and did a final edit in March 2020 and due to go to a 'publishers' and writers meeting' when Covid 19 hit and lockdown started. That's when the publishing journey began. I shall be following progress over the next few days. Obviously it it doesn't impact with you fear not but I hope the story as it develops will engage you.

'The Tenth Life' is available on Amazon Kindle and as an Amazon Paperback.
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