Vet loses cat

A vet in Cheltenham has lost a cat who went in after being hit by a car and suffered a dislocated hip. The cat, Lionel, was taken in and treated but was requested to stay with staff over the weekend to keep an eye on his condition. Lionel went home with one of the vet surgeons nurses once the clinic had closed for the weekend and was put into the garden shed and left. The nurse mistakenly left the shed unlocked and Lionel went missing.

The vet, Paul Adkin, spent £700 on 600 A4 Posters and 20,000 leaflets which he is dropping in residents letterboxes in hopes of finding the missing cat. Lionel, a black cat with an uneven jaw from a previous accident and his injured leg is in danger if not found but the Veterinary staff feel confident in taking the right measures to resolve the situation and return Lionel safely back to his owners.

Owners Miss Dawkins and family are angry at the events that lead to Lionel going missing and has left five-year old Olivia “in pieces” after having grown up her entire life with pet Lionel around. The family feels that given the circumstances the veterinary centre are pulling all the stops to resolve the situation and that any actions that may lead to the return of their beloved pet are worth taking.

Source: Daily Telegraph – Chris Irvine – June 2009

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